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“青山讲堂”第六期预告 | 黄浩勇:Advances in MBR for Resource Recovery and Energy Reduction

来源:浙江大学生态文明研究院 时间:2024-09-09 阅读量:13



第六期“青山讲堂”主题讲座我们有幸邀请到黄浩勇院士做主题为“Advances in MBR for Resource Recovery and Energy Reduction”的报告。


The presentation covers the latest developments in Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) technology, emphasizing its role in addressing global water challenges through sustainable wastewater treatment. It explores MBRs' capabilities in producing high-quality effluent for reuse, reducing system footprints, and offering flexibility in both aerobic and anaerobic processes. Key advancements include optimizing MBRs at short solid retention times (SRT) to enhance energy efficiency and reduce fouling, with practical applications demonstrated in large-scale projects like Singapore's Tuas Water Reclamation Plant. The presentation also highlights Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactors (AnMBRs) as a dual-benefit solution for energy generation and resource recovery, showcasing the potential for methane, nutrient, and by-product recovery from wastewater. Additionally, it addresses various membrane fouling control strategies, including physical, chemical, and biological methods, with a particular focus on quorum quenching (QQ) techniques and vibrating membrane modules, which significantly reduce energy demand and extend membrane lifespan. Overall, this presentation provides valuable insights into the innovative applications and benefits of MBR technology in achieving energy reduction and resource recovery in wastewater treatment, making it a critical resource for advancing sustainability in the water sector.


Ng How Yong黄浩勇,新加坡工程院院士、长江学者讲席教授、国际水协会士、国际水协膜技术专家委员会常务主席。曾任新加坡国立大学教授及新加坡国立大学环境研究院院长、胜科-新加坡国立大学企业实验室主任,现任新加坡国立大学客座教授。黄院士是水安全、海水淡化与水回用领域国际著名学者,致力于膜法与智慧污水处理与资源化研究,在膜污染理论与控制技术膜分离新工艺构建等方面取得多项突破,推动了膜生物反应器在新加坡污水处理厂的实际应用。
